World Perspectives
feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Black Sea Regional Analysis

Russian Grain Markets: 11–15 March 2024 Russian grain markets remained slightly bullish in the south and Volga valley. However, export prices did not react immediately despite a decreased export duty and weaker RUB. In fact, a weaker RUB is better for Russian grain exports which are at historic highs, but probably worse for the domestic farmers who still have last year’s crop in his yard. Mega farms though are living a different life and playing a game with subsidies and vertical integration is pushing small and medium farmers aside. Mega farms are only competing with a chosen few foreign grain traders as mega farms are both farms and export traders in Russia. The trend is clear – monopolization of most of the business fo...

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feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

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feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Market Commentary: Down on the Day but Some Ups for the Week

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wheat feed-grains soy-oilseeds

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Dec 24 Corn closed at $4.1/bushel, down $0.1075 from yesterday's close.  Sep 24 Wheat closed at $5.235/bushel, down $0.1425 from yesterday's close.  Nov 24 Soybeans closed at $10.485/bushel, down $0.31 from yesterday's close.  Dec 24 Soymeal closed at $324.7/short ton, down $4.5...

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From WPI Consulting

Infrastructure investment due diligence

On behalf of a Canadian oilseed processer WPI's team provided market analysis, econometric modeling and financial due diligence in support of a $24 million-dollar investment in a Ukrainian crush plant. Consistent with WPI's findings, local production to supply the plant and the facility's output have expanded exponentially since the investment. WPI has conducted parallel work on behalf of U.S., South American and European clients, both private and public, in the agri-food space.

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