World Perspectives

Feast or Famine

The COVID supply chain meltdown created anxiety over the availability of agricultural inputs. This compelled many operators to look forward and lock in their needs for 2023, often at elevated prices. This buy-high insurance marker has been met with ammonia prices that have now fallen by 50 percent, and a phosphorous value that has dropped by 20 percent. Rabobank now says that fertilizer is the most affordable it has been since 2004. Natural gas prices fell and now those that locked in their prices are paying the price of a classic commodity supply-demand cycle.  Jim DeLisi of Fanwood Chemical told the Agribusiness Global Trade Summit that there is ample supply of glyphosate and glufosinate through 2024, though other herbicides may be...

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From WPI Consulting

Infrastructure investment due diligence

On behalf of a Canadian oilseed processer WPI's team provided market analysis, econometric modeling and financial due diligence in support of a $24 million-dollar investment in a Ukrainian crush plant. Consistent with WPI's findings, local production to supply the plant and the facility's output have expanded exponentially since the investment. WPI has conducted parallel work on behalf of U.S., South American and European clients, both private and public, in the agri-food space.

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