World Perspectives
feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Mercosur Regional Analysis

Wheat There is much talk about Argentina’s new wheat campaign outlook that mostly centers on the uncertainty regarding planted area. The consensus right now, however, is that the 2024/25 area will decrease from the prior year. Seed and input sales for planting are lagging last year’s volumes because farmers are struggling to make decisions. Clearly, there are producers in areas where they have no choice but to plant wheat, but in other regions where they could switch to barley or go directly to summer crops, doubt regarding planting intentions is significant. Fertilizer sales are keeping companies awake at night because fertilizer is the first thing farmers cut from budgets during times of low margins and great uncertainty. Th...

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feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

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feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Market Commentary: Down on the Day but Some Ups for the Week

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wheat feed-grains soy-oilseeds

Summary of Futures

Dec 24 Corn closed at $4.1/bushel, down $0.1075 from yesterday's close.  Sep 24 Wheat closed at $5.235/bushel, down $0.1425 from yesterday's close.  Nov 24 Soybeans closed at $10.485/bushel, down $0.31 from yesterday's close.  Dec 24 Soymeal closed at $324.7/short ton, down $4.5...

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From WPI Consulting

Weighing in on strategic realignment

WPI’s team was retained by the governing board of a U.S. industry organization to review a decision, reached by vote, to invest significant assets into the development and management of an export trading company. WPI’s team conducted a formal review of this decision and concluded that the current level of market saturation would limit the benefits of the investment. Based on WPI’s analysis and recommended actions, the board subsequently reversed its decision and undertook a strategic planning effort to identify more impactful investments. On behalf of numerous clients, WPI has not only assisted in identifying strategic paths but also advised their implementation.

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