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Flights of Fancy; Notable Approach; Farmer Protests

Flights of Fancy In response to a recent WTO ruling on respective subsidies for Airbus and Boeing aircraft, USTR announced the proposed retaliatory tariffs...

Summary of Futures

May 20 Corn closed at $3.26/bushel, down $0.055 from yesterday's close.  May 20 Wheat closed at $5.4875/bushel, down $0.0625 from yesterday's close.&n...

Cattle on Feed

April 1 2019 Cattle on Feed totaled 12.0 million head; 2 percent above April 1, 2018. This is the highest April 1 inventory since the series began in 1996...

Mercosur Regional Analysis

Wheat  Argentina’s wheat crop continues to suffer from drought from the center of the wheat-growing region to the north of the country. Last wee...

Market Commentary

The CBOT was mixed with little conviction. Corn and soybeans headed lower while wheat managed to find support on spread trading and technical buying. The m...

AM Outlook - Good Bull Markets Take Breaks

GOOD MORNING,  Funds were net sellers across the board yesterday on overbought concerns and the fact that for once beans could not turn the rally back...

CETA’s Meaning; Signs of EU Change; Win Win

By successfully pushing through the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with Canada, EU officials showed more moxie than their American count...

Economic Recovery Officially V-Shaped

On 29 October, when the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) issues the Q3 2020 GDP report, it likely will show the economy grew at more than 33 percent, base...

BDI is Fishy

As fear of the coronavirus causes money to rush out of equities and commodities, why are bulk shipping rates rising? The transportation segment is complex...

Market Commentary

The CBOT opened with soybeans moving higher on a combination of short covering, improving technical conditions, and rumors of Chinese purchases of U.S. soy...

AM Outlook - All One Side Spells Trouble

GOOD MORNING, Prices started the night lower, but head into the close higher into today's important WASDE report, one that could determine trend over the n...

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