World Perspectives

Recent Europe Analysis

Interactive Ocean Freight Rates (Updated 26 July)

Ocean Freight Comments - 26 July 2024 By Matt Herrington Dry bulk markets saw another week of fairly dull trade with demand becoming more balanced against vessel availability. There has been fresh business from South America’s East Coast as well as the Black Sea that have helped take some...

FOB Prices and Freight Rate App (Updated 26 July)

Ocean Freight Comments - 26 July 2024 By Matt Herrington Dry bulk markets saw another week of fairly dull trade with demand becoming more balanced against vessel availability. There has been fresh business from South America’s East Coast as well as the Black Sea that have helped take some...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

European Market Analysis

Regional News  Russia set a new record for wheat exports in MY 2023/24, with the country shipping 55.3 MMT of grain and accounting for 26.1 percent of global exports.  Egypt’s GASC secured 20 KMT of sunflower seed oil at $1,013.99/MT for 1-15 September delivery. The original pla...

Doubling Down on Protectionism; Conflicting CAP Goals

Doubling Down on Protectionism Typically, the party platforms crafted every four years by Republicans and Democrats are equally meaningless. Some of their policy prescriptions become codified but many do not. But speakers at this week’s Republican Convention are leaving no doubt that &ldq...

Capital Investment and Productivity

While much of the focus on Europe relates to political instability in the EU, and threats from Russia, there are ample economic issues that also need to be addressed. This is true in both industrial production and agricultural output. European farms continue to lag their American counterparts i...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

European Market Analysis

Regional News  Europe saw mixed weather trends last week with showers in western Europe, Scandinavia, and the Balkans. Ukraine received little to no rainfall, however, and Russia was also dry, except for light showers in the southern region. Dryness and heat building over eastern Europe re...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

European Market Analysis

Regional News  European weather trends remain unfavorable for crops with drought in Hungary and Romania hurting winter crop development and yield potential while wet weather slowed summer crop seedings across France, Germany, and Italy. Now, heatwaves across Spain, eastern Europe and the B...

NGT Test this Week; New Mexican Authorities

NGT Test this Week The Belgian presidency of the EU will make its last effort to obtain approval of a regulatory proposal for new genomic techniques. If it fails, the effort will be passed along to the Hungarian presidency that begins in July. Chances are, it will fail despite being watered dow...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

European Market Analysis

Regional News  The EU Commission imposed an import tax on Russian wheat, corn, products derived from their processing, and feed. The duties range from €95-148/MT for various wheat varieties, €94/MT for grain corn, €93/MT for barley and rye, 3.2-64 percent for sunflower oil,...

Friday Policy Shorts

Standards not Tariffs: The complaint against China and some other countries is that production practices are more highly distorted by government policies than in the West. The Biden Administration and former President Donald Trump look to tariffs to solve the problem. By contrast, the EU erects...

Senate Would Reject Obama; Europe Lives on Crisps

Senate Would Reject Obama President Biden has withdrawn his nominee to become the Deputy U.S. Trade Representative, Nelson Cunningham. Cunningham has stellar credentials, including working for Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden. His nomination is being vetoed by Senator Sherrod Brown (D-...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

European Market Analysis

Regional News  Russia’s agriculture ministry announced that 900,000 hectares of crops will need to be reseeded this year after several frosts/freeze events that destroyed crops in south/central Russia.  The French spring crop area is forecast to include 1.44 Mha of corn (up 9.6...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

European Market Analysis

Regional News  Frosts in Russia’s central, southern, and Volga regions have halted spring planting efforts, which will likely contribute to lower yield potential this year. Russia has completed spring seeding on 16.9 Mha, or 30.2 percent of the planned area, so far. Some of these are...



USDA’s outlook for 2024/25 U.S. wheat is for larger supplies, increased exports, and higher ending stocks. Supplies are projected to increase six percent from 2023/24. U.S. wheat yield is projected at 48.9 bushels per acre, up 0.3 bushels. 2024/25 ending stocks are eleven percent above la...

Flimsy Arguments; Bien SUR Pesticides

Flimsy Arguments Certain Americans are taking sides with Hamas in Gaza, arguing that it is Israel to blame. In a similar fashion, progressive groups focused on agriculture are calling on Washington to cease its bullying of Mexico on GMO corn. They defend Mexico City for pursuing “food sov...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Black Sea Regional Analysis

Russian Grain Markets: 29 April–3 May 2024 Last week Russia celebrated International Labor Day, and on May 9 will celebrate WWII Victory Day, resulting in a long 10-day holiday for many Russian families, including grain traders. This traditionally slows down trade, however, logistics cont...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

European Market Analysis

Regional News  Algeria purchased 200 KMT of hard wheat – rumored to originate in France – at $249-250/MT C&F.  Turkey issued an international tender for the sale of 100 KMT of durum wheat to be exported – not imported – from the country. The winning bid cam...


Olive Oil Gets Tighter

Olive oil is a niche product, comprising just under one percent of total global vegetable oil production. It is also higher priced, and only becoming more so as production drops. Europe produces around 62 percent of global olive oil and supplies half the world trade. Production is primarily in...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

European Market Analysis

Regional News  ProZerno forecasts Russia’s 2024 total grain production will hit 135-136 MMT, down from 144.9 MMT in 2023. Wheat production is forecast to fall from 92.8 to 88 MMT this year, with barley production down from 21.1 to 18 MMT. Russia’s corn production should fall fr...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Market Commentary: Wheat Extends Rally; Funds Cover Shorts Amid Widespread Futures Strength

The spring 2024 wheat rally continues as weather threats linger for the U.S., Europe, and the Black Sea. Weather forecasts that offer a challenging outlook for the 2024/25 Northern Hemisphere crop are forcing funds to keep exiting short positions, with the resulting positive technical developme...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Market Commentary: Global Wheat, Oilseed Futures Rally on Weather Threats

Friday’s strength in CBOT and broader global ag commodity futures was simply a foreshadowing of the rallies that would develop on Monday. Heading into the weekend, markets were jittery on perceived weather risks, many of which turned out to be prescient. Over the weekend, parts of the U.S...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

European Market Analysis

Regional News  Early-morning frosts were reported across Poland down to France as crops are reaching growth stages that are sensitive to cold. It’s too early to say whether the cold snap will dent yields, but the 2024 crop continues to face weather challenges.   Tunisia pur...


WASDE Soybeans

USDA increased U.S. soybean ending stocks for 2023/24 by 25 million bushels to 340 million. The U.S. season-average soybean price for 2023/24 is forecast at $12.55 per bushel, down 10 cents. Soybean meal and oil prices are unchanged at $380 per short ton and 49 cents per pound, respectively. Gl...



USDA raised U.S. wheat ending stocks for 2023/24 by 25 million bushels to 698 million, 22 percent above last year. The season-average farm price is reduced $0.05 per bushel to $7.10.  The 2023/24 global wheat outlook this month is for smaller ending stocks, down 0.6 million metric tons to...

Interactive Ocean Freight Rates (Updated 26 July)

Ocean Freight Comments - 26 July 2024 By Matt Herrington Dry bulk markets saw another week of fairly dull trade with demand becoming more balanced against vessel availability. There has been fresh business from South America’s East Coast as well as the Black Sea that have helped take some...

FOB Prices and Freight Rate App (Updated 26 July)

Ocean Freight Comments - 26 July 2024 By Matt Herrington Dry bulk markets saw another week of fairly dull trade with demand becoming more balanced against vessel availability. There has been fresh business from South America’s East Coast as well as the Black Sea that have helped take some...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

European Market Analysis

Regional News  Russia set a new record for wheat exports in MY 2023/24, with the country shipping 55.3 MMT of grain and accounting for 26.1 percent of global exports.  Egypt’s GASC secured 20 KMT of sunflower seed oil at $1,013.99/MT for 1-15 September delivery. The original pla...

Doubling Down on Protectionism; Conflicting CAP Goals

Doubling Down on Protectionism Typically, the party platforms crafted every four years by Republicans and Democrats are equally meaningless. Some of their policy prescriptions become codified but many do not. But speakers at this week’s Republican Convention are leaving no doubt that &ldq...

Capital Investment and Productivity

While much of the focus on Europe relates to political instability in the EU, and threats from Russia, there are ample economic issues that also need to be addressed. This is true in both industrial production and agricultural output. European farms continue to lag their American counterparts i...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

European Market Analysis

Regional News  Europe saw mixed weather trends last week with showers in western Europe, Scandinavia, and the Balkans. Ukraine received little to no rainfall, however, and Russia was also dry, except for light showers in the southern region. Dryness and heat building over eastern Europe re...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

European Market Analysis

Regional News  European weather trends remain unfavorable for crops with drought in Hungary and Romania hurting winter crop development and yield potential while wet weather slowed summer crop seedings across France, Germany, and Italy. Now, heatwaves across Spain, eastern Europe and the B...

NGT Test this Week; New Mexican Authorities

NGT Test this Week The Belgian presidency of the EU will make its last effort to obtain approval of a regulatory proposal for new genomic techniques. If it fails, the effort will be passed along to the Hungarian presidency that begins in July. Chances are, it will fail despite being watered dow...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

European Market Analysis

Regional News  The EU Commission imposed an import tax on Russian wheat, corn, products derived from their processing, and feed. The duties range from €95-148/MT for various wheat varieties, €94/MT for grain corn, €93/MT for barley and rye, 3.2-64 percent for sunflower oil,...

Friday Policy Shorts

Standards not Tariffs: The complaint against China and some other countries is that production practices are more highly distorted by government policies than in the West. The Biden Administration and former President Donald Trump look to tariffs to solve the problem. By contrast, the EU erects...

Senate Would Reject Obama; Europe Lives on Crisps

Senate Would Reject Obama President Biden has withdrawn his nominee to become the Deputy U.S. Trade Representative, Nelson Cunningham. Cunningham has stellar credentials, including working for Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden. His nomination is being vetoed by Senator Sherrod Brown (D-...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

European Market Analysis

Regional News  Russia’s agriculture ministry announced that 900,000 hectares of crops will need to be reseeded this year after several frosts/freeze events that destroyed crops in south/central Russia.  The French spring crop area is forecast to include 1.44 Mha of corn (up 9.6...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

European Market Analysis

Regional News  Frosts in Russia’s central, southern, and Volga regions have halted spring planting efforts, which will likely contribute to lower yield potential this year. Russia has completed spring seeding on 16.9 Mha, or 30.2 percent of the planned area, so far. Some of these are...



USDA’s outlook for 2024/25 U.S. wheat is for larger supplies, increased exports, and higher ending stocks. Supplies are projected to increase six percent from 2023/24. U.S. wheat yield is projected at 48.9 bushels per acre, up 0.3 bushels. 2024/25 ending stocks are eleven percent above la...

Flimsy Arguments; Bien SUR Pesticides

Flimsy Arguments Certain Americans are taking sides with Hamas in Gaza, arguing that it is Israel to blame. In a similar fashion, progressive groups focused on agriculture are calling on Washington to cease its bullying of Mexico on GMO corn. They defend Mexico City for pursuing “food sov...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Black Sea Regional Analysis

Russian Grain Markets: 29 April–3 May 2024 Last week Russia celebrated International Labor Day, and on May 9 will celebrate WWII Victory Day, resulting in a long 10-day holiday for many Russian families, including grain traders. This traditionally slows down trade, however, logistics cont...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

European Market Analysis

Regional News  Algeria purchased 200 KMT of hard wheat – rumored to originate in France – at $249-250/MT C&F.  Turkey issued an international tender for the sale of 100 KMT of durum wheat to be exported – not imported – from the country. The winning bid cam...


Olive Oil Gets Tighter

Olive oil is a niche product, comprising just under one percent of total global vegetable oil production. It is also higher priced, and only becoming more so as production drops. Europe produces around 62 percent of global olive oil and supplies half the world trade. Production is primarily in...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

European Market Analysis

Regional News  ProZerno forecasts Russia’s 2024 total grain production will hit 135-136 MMT, down from 144.9 MMT in 2023. Wheat production is forecast to fall from 92.8 to 88 MMT this year, with barley production down from 21.1 to 18 MMT. Russia’s corn production should fall fr...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Market Commentary: Wheat Extends Rally; Funds Cover Shorts Amid Widespread Futures Strength

The spring 2024 wheat rally continues as weather threats linger for the U.S., Europe, and the Black Sea. Weather forecasts that offer a challenging outlook for the 2024/25 Northern Hemisphere crop are forcing funds to keep exiting short positions, with the resulting positive technical developme...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Market Commentary: Global Wheat, Oilseed Futures Rally on Weather Threats

Friday’s strength in CBOT and broader global ag commodity futures was simply a foreshadowing of the rallies that would develop on Monday. Heading into the weekend, markets were jittery on perceived weather risks, many of which turned out to be prescient. Over the weekend, parts of the U.S...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

European Market Analysis

Regional News  Early-morning frosts were reported across Poland down to France as crops are reaching growth stages that are sensitive to cold. It’s too early to say whether the cold snap will dent yields, but the 2024 crop continues to face weather challenges.   Tunisia pur...


WASDE Soybeans

USDA increased U.S. soybean ending stocks for 2023/24 by 25 million bushels to 340 million. The U.S. season-average soybean price for 2023/24 is forecast at $12.55 per bushel, down 10 cents. Soybean meal and oil prices are unchanged at $380 per short ton and 49 cents per pound, respectively. Gl...



USDA raised U.S. wheat ending stocks for 2023/24 by 25 million bushels to 698 million, 22 percent above last year. The season-average farm price is reduced $0.05 per bushel to $7.10.  The 2023/24 global wheat outlook this month is for smaller ending stocks, down 0.6 million metric tons to...

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